
About MemeKong

Meme Kong v2 is a hyper-deflationary custom contract that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. It has 5 burn mechanisms with the flexibility to add more fuel to the fire in the future. It features a dynamic sell tax mechanism designed to hold the floor and build for the future. It also has a one-of-a-kind incentive structure allowing holders to stake their tokens, and then burn rewards to 10x their APY. What's more, when holders burn tokens to increase APY, $MKONG tokens are simultaneously burned from the liquidity pool, raising the floor and benefiting all holders by further reducing supply. Last but not least, there is an auto burn feature that burns 0.25% of the tokens in the Uniswap liquidity pool every 8 hours.

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About Solid Group

Solid Group is a blockchain consulting and auditing service provider founded by cybersecurity experts with a great passion for the cryptocurrency world. We are known for our exceptional out of the box thinking, experience, and credibility among the community. Throughout our work, our team was able to discover many high severity issues & vulnerabilities. We work with leading companies in the field, helping them increase their resilience through tailored services and solutions.

Solid Group provides ALL IN ONE ICO SOLUTION -

  • Audited token generator ( Generate your own token with NO CODING KNOWLEDGE)

  • TGE sniper bot protection tool

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