Owner Capabilities

  • excludeAccount

  • includeAccount

  • setTaxless

  • setSwapEnabled - The owner can enable and disable fee swaps.

  • setBuyFee - set buy fee, fees are limited to 25%.

  • setSellFee - set sell fee, fees are limited to 25%.

  • setP2PFee - set p2p fee, fees are limited to 25%.

  • setDevelopmentWallet

  • setMaxTxAmount - The owner can set the amount of tokens that can be transfer in one tx.

  • setMaxWalletAmount - The owner can set the amount of tokens that can be held by account.

  • setMinTokensBeforeSwap

  • setAntiBotEnabled

  • setAntiBot

  • setTrading - The owner can enable and disable the trading of the token, once the trading is enabled the owner can't disable it.

  • setBlackList - The owner can blacklist any account until 2 days after the contract is deployed.

  • exemptMaxTxAmountAddress - The owner can exclude accounts from max transaction limit.

  • exemptMaxWalletAmountAddress - The owner can exclude accounts from total holding limit.

Last updated