
Issue 01


The owner can set the buy fee to up to 20% and sell fee to up to 30%


Our recommendation is to lower the upper limit of the fees. Since the contract has already been deployed, we suggest deploying an owner contract with diminished owner capabilities to achieve this goal.

Issue 02


_transfer calls the external function swapTokensForEth . Since this function can be called during _transfer, it may cause _transfer to fail unnecessarily.

In this particular case, the token owner can turn off the swapping feature to ensure that the token remains tradable


Use try-catch when calling external functions in critical path flows.

Our recommendation is to always make sure error cases are handled gracefully in critical functions such as _transfer.

Issue 03


The gas fees can be reduced by approving a very large amount of tokens instead of calling the approve function for every swap.


consider calling approve with a very large amount of tokens instead of calling approve for every swap, and only increasing when it's needed.

Last updated