
About Boomer

A new coin, Done the old $BOOMER way Tired of missing out? You are not alone, $BOOMER!

While you are busy working in your 9-5 job, there are Gen Z youngsters that are eating ice cream Roll-Ups with your wife, while trading useless meme coins that are shilled by their TikTok influencer.

Millennials have TikTok, Snapchat and Fortnite. But what about you? Are you tired of watching the youngsters using your hard earned money to buy the same useless variations of Inu coins and frog tokens?

Introducing $BOOMER! A new coin, done the old fashioned way!

Boomer is here to show the kids who can still spank their a$$! It's time to show the millennials who is doing it better!

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About Solid Group

Solid Group is a blockchain consulting and auditing service provider founded by cybersecurity experts with a great passion for the cryptocurrency world. We are known for our exceptional out of the box thinking, experience, and credibility among the community. Throughout our work, our team was able to discover many high severity issues & vulnerabilities. We work with leading companies in the field, helping them increase their resilience through tailored services and solutions.

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